1.The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep.
2.He's emigrated to the USA and gone completely native.
3.Many millions of people have allegedly seen UFOs in the USA.
在, 有数百万人声称目睹过不明飞行物。
4.The USA’s Middle West is the heartland of the country.
5.He went to the USA and made a packet in office property.
6.Hallah Hasam Meet this sixth generation African-American Muslim from Kansas City, USA.
遇到了Hallalah ,他来自堪萨斯州,是第六代非洲裔穆斯林。
7.She's a columnist for USA Today.
8.The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep and 25 kilometers wide at its maximum.
9.We very much look forward to seeing you in Shanghai in the USA Pavilion at SIAL China 2006.
10.Third, the inner cooperation should be suggested so that USA can withdraw troops from kirghizia and so on.
11.The architecture of Shandong Hotel was designed by world-famous Potman Designing Office USA,and the interior design was made by woodhead International,Australia.
12.OXEA, one of the world's largest suppliers of oxo-products,.with annual sales worth more than 2 billion USD and manufactory sites in Europe and USA.
13.This character differs from other Ordovician source rocks elsewhere in the world such as Kukersite Kerogen in Estonia and Guttenburgen type source rocks in USA.
14.In addition to rammers and smaller vibration plates ,a whole range of other products for the domestic market and for export worldwide is currently produced in the USA .