1.I tried to stop myself giving full vent to my anger.
2.He vented his frustration on his wife.
3.He vented his spleen on the assembled crowd.
4.His anger vented itself in curses.
5.Therefore, the stator and rotor and the vent was spinor into two parts.
6.When I get so frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
当我非常灰心丧气、憋着一肚子时, 就得找人出气。
7.It is important that we will come under the switch point pressure release and over the switchpoint chamber vented.
8.Rotorua is known for its volcanic thermal vents creating pools of plopping volcanic mud at the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Park.
9.Two circular vents highlight the side of the car with a ducktail spoiler topping the C8 Aileron's aggressive rear-end.
10.It is equipped with asphalt return tube, anti-puffing pressure vent valve, anti-aging overhead nitrogen valve, thermometer, volumeter and output asphalt rapid discharge valve and coupling.
11.This refers to the use of a miniature BTE hearing aid that is coupled to an ear insert or earmold (vented or unvented) via a tubing of approximately 0.8 mm inner diameter.