Table 1. The values of chambering estimation methods of C. gigas during May to October in 2003.
Table 1. The values of chambering estimation methods of C. gigas during May to October in 2003.
OBJECTIVE: To explore anatomic features and roles of SLIL and LTIL located among the scaphoid bone, the lunate bone and the triquetral bone.
Shrubs evergreen or sometimes semievergreen; branchlets and pedicels not setose. Leaf blade adaxially glabrous; corolla creamy yellow, lined and flushed rose on outside. Fl. May–Jun.
In fact, Jamaica's team doctor Elliott (herb elliott) can testify, Boult only in November last year to one month in December to accept a 15 doping test.
The imago period is from the early April to end of May.The reproduction belongs to amphigenesis, but it may happen female parthenogenesis.A female average egg number is 3975.
Exhibition of Figuline Figures by Mr. Peng Wenhong was hold from 27th August - 11th September, 2005 at the exhibition hall of Ling Nan Club at Level 5.