1.We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.
2.The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties.
3.I read your study of farming with interest .
4.He carefully read the proceedings from last meeting.
5.He has a rudimentary ability to read,but he can only read simple words.
6.I'll not wish to omit this valuable book from my reading.
7.Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances.
8.It requires all our sensory intelligences to create new ways of active listening, reading dialogically and writing cooperatively.
9.His reading achievement is depressed.
10.The second passage for reading comprehension on the examination paper foxed me completely; I couldn't understand it at all.
11.As a consequence, all in the vicinity of microreader, a reader to read all labels are a potential source of interference generator.
12.When you are applying for a new job you must make yourself as "hirable" as possible to the recruiting director reviewing your resume.
13.Re the 400,000iu for two days (Mega A Rx for measles): This is reposting of Vit A Rx for those who missed it.
14.Finding good code to read used to be hard, because there were few large programs available in source for fledgeling hackers to read and tinker with.
15.So when such a book was read, “Now, that's what I call a pretty good story,” says the general reader, intrepidly appraising his own reading matter.
16.For example, Digital's Lectrice file format included a pre-rendered bitmap representation of each page to allow for quick page turns, a prerequisite for the thumbing navigation metaphor.
17.Alice might try to cover her tracks by using a pseudonym when she subscribes, but the reading habits of this pseudonymous user may quickly point to Alice's identity.
18.48. Reader: (1) An abridged term for "proofreader" who checks proofs for accuracy. (2) Device which can "read" from magnetic media or, in the case of OCR, from typescript.
19.Zoa was first isolated from Z. officinale, which belongs to Zingiberaceae family.The full-length cDNA of zoa was 768bp with an opening reading frame of 510bp encoding a protein with 169 amino acids.