I looked into her clear gray eyes.
When he was able to clear his eyes.
You have clear eyes and a long life to use them.
He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes.
If she stares at you with her clear green eyes, you can sense her powerful, extreme calm.
Only with clear eyes can we see what is outside of our power, and what is within it.
Dogs often cry to clear their eyes, but it's the first time that their tears have been linked to emotions.
He cocked a surprisingly clear blue eye at Grant. '
Bond looked across the desk into the shrewd, clear eyes.
His clear eye was upon me, bright with meaning and with mischief.
She turned her head with a glance of her clear, fair eyes.
Naoko kept silent and watched me with those clear eyes of hers.
He was a gentle and mild-mannered old fellow, with clear, blue, honest eyes, white hair and a pinkish complexion.
他是个温文尔雅的老头儿, 一双澈的蓝眼睛, 白发苍苍,面色微红。
He rang for the landlord, and, on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, " Is this rabbit, sir" ?
福克把饭店老板叫来了。" 掌柜的,这就是兔子肉?" 他望着饭店老板问道。
I can see Raffles now, as he looked at me once more with a high arch over each clear eye.
我现在可以看到莱佛士了, 他又一次看着我, 每只澈的眼睛都高高地拱起。
His soft hat was of a discreet dark brown, and from under it his clear eye flamed like a topaz.
他的软帽子是低调的深棕色, 帽子下面澈的眼睛像黄玉一样闪着光。
T. A. Buck had the courage to smile even at that. Emma McChesney was watching him, her clear eyes troubled, anxious.
即便如此,T. A. Buck 也有勇气微笑。 Emma McChesney 看着他,澈的眼睛里充满了不安和焦虑。
It was a slow smile which started in his clear blue eyes and travelled by perceptible degrees to his shapely mouth.
那是一种缓慢的微笑, 从他澈的蓝眼睛开始, 然后以可察觉的程度蔓延到他匀称的嘴巴。
" Really" ? said he, lighting his own cigarette with one clear blue eye upon me. " How do you know" ?
“真的” ?他说着点着了自己的香烟, 一只澈的蓝眼睛盯着我。“你怎么知道的” ?
Calm and phlegmatic, with a clear eye, Mr. Fogg seemed a perfect type of that English composure which Angelica Kauffmann has so skilfully represented on canvas.
But this wealth of goods rushing in to his establishment at the rate of thousands of francs each minute, made his clear eyes glisten.
但这财富以每分钟数千法郎的速度涌入他的店里, 让他澈的眼睛闪闪发亮。