In fact, the MI patients had unstable angina, a high risk condition already established by pathological studies to bespecifically induced by intramyocardial platelet emboli.
Objective To compare the clinical treatment effect and side reaction of dissolving compound salivia miltiorrhiza in mouth and dissolving nitroglycerin in mouth to treat angina pectoris.
The low temperature may also cause the heart coronarospasm, causes the cardiac muscle ischemia oxygen deficit, may induce the angina pectoris, the heart rhythm not to be uneven.
Many of the drugs used in angina pectoris are the substrate of cytochrome P450, drug interactions are easily to occur when antianginal drugs co-administrated with other drugs and foods.
Methods Pripheral blood analysis was done in all 20 cases with fever, angina, enlarged lymph nodes and enlargement of liver and spleen. Heterophil agglutination test was done in 15 of these 20 cases.
All patients with suspected ACS are treated promptly with antiplatelets (usually aspirin), angina medications (usually nitroglycerin) and supplemental oxygen if required.
In the majority of cases, the underlying cause of stable angina is atherosclerosis of one or more the coronary arteries—arteries supplying blood to the heart muscles.