With the raising of partial hydrogen pressure, the cracking reaction of tert-butylbenzene is prompted, while the conversion of butylbenzene is restricted.
!--Security is strengthened by employing a PBKDF2 key derivation function.However, the weak passphrases users typically employ are vulnerable to password cracking attack.
By applying multivariable model predictive control (MPC) technology, the control performance of the gasoline debutanizer of fluid catalytic cracking unit can be improved.
The color of the products is argent grey metallic shine, smooth, unknit. They mustn't be oxydic badly, lacking of sintering, over heating, delamination and cracking.
This paper introduces the light gaso line etherify technology,brings fo rward the project of building the light gasoline etherify device on th e catalyst cracking cell in the refin ery plant.