They have provided a system which for terse comprehensiveness surpasses Justinian's Pandects and the By-laws of the Chinese Society for the Suppression of Meddling with other People's Business.
Franklin played a leading role in developing journalism as a terse writing form, getting quickly to the point and dwelling on important issues instead of secondary facts.
In a terse statement, the spokesman for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the damages claim was not receivable under a convention that grants the United Nations immunity for its actions.
The queen's face moves through a series of expressions, settling on a terse frown as if she's found something unsightly on the bottom of one of her kitten heels.
The book has little to say about the political mobilisation needed for so dramatic a reform, an omission which echoes its strikingly terse explanation for why inequality exploded in the first place.
It's a tale told with the precision of a scientist and the soul of a poet, the language terse and powerful, every word carrying the weight of the world, much like Hemingway's prose.