Taking the example of the homoaromaticity of cyclooctriene cation and imidazole and oxazole basicity,the essay discusses the application of resonance theory.
Effects of molecules adsorbed on silver nanoparticles assembled in two-dimensional submonolayer on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of the metal nanoparticles were investigated.
Using the guantum mechanics method to describe the electronically nonadiabatic transition, the equation of the motion of the nonadiabatic transition probability amplitutes have been derived.
You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber! what's your response?
Monomotor bogies , where both axles of the bogie are driven by a single motor , often encounter torsional resonances, which lead to periodic longitudinal slip.
Besides, this part also reports that it's developing tendency for this technology to reenforce the fundamental theoretical study and enlarge the applicative fields of Resonance Light Scattering.
According to the results of the temperature dependencies of the intensity, linewidth and resonance field, we conclude that the peak at T(subscript M2) is a transition of antiferromagnetism.