This paper reviewed the advance of g en etics,neurobiochemistry,neuroimmunology,neuroendocrine,neuroe lectrophysiolo gy,neuroscreenage in major depression and anxiety disorder.
So the diet and exercise recommendations we've been getting the past several decades ignore basic endocrinology and something natural to all animals: the desire to keep their biological processes balanced and remain in homeostasis.
Spencer's parents set up an appointment with Dr. Burt Bacharach, the chief of pediatric endocrinology at University of Missouri healthcare. After careful testing, Dr. Bacharach determined a growth hormone deficiency was causing Spencer's growth failure.
Spencer的父母密苏里大学医疗中心的儿科内分泌学主任Burt Bacharach约好见面。经过仔细的测试,Burt Bacharach医生确定是生长激素缺乏导致了Spencer的发育缓慢。
There are several subdisciplines of internal medicine: Cardiology, Critical care medicine, Endocrinology , Gastroenterology, Geriatrics , Hematology, Hepatology , Infectious diseases, Nephrology, Oncology Proctology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Sleep medicine, Neurology , Dermatology.