2.Ukraine's defence minister has warned that Russia has begun a full-scale military intervention in Ukraine after his troops were forced to withdraw from Luhansk airport in the east.
3.A tent was also pitched for the Scarecrow's party; and when these preparations had been made, with military precision and quickness, the army retired to rest.
4.On the military side, the campaign was a flop - Napoleon failed to conquer Syria and, while he did capture Egypt, he later had to surrender it in order to withdraw.
5.In addition to all of this, the modern Swiss military strategy has always been to abandon the plateau and the city centers and retreat almost the entire military into the alpine region.
6.The strategy to force the separatists to retreat to their occupied buildings can be effective, says analyst Dmitry Tymchuk with Kyiv's Center for Military and Political Research. But he is concerned the Ukrainian forces are spread too thin.
7.Jose wants to know the difference between the verb " to withdraw" and the verb " to retreat, " especially when we're talking about military context – that is, a situation where one country is fighting another in a war.