The absolute summability of autocorrelation sequence imposes only the continuity constraint on the power spectrum.
A prefix meaning one quadrillionth (xlo-15).
- 前缀,意指万亿分之一(xlo-15).
North American tribal customs feature “two-spirit” people who combined male and female attributes (anthropologists call these “berdache”, from a French word for catamite).
" Effect" as a verb means " to bring about."
Effect 作动词时意指「产生」。
" Stepping up" means you are moving up and taking charge.
stepping up 意指走向高处掌控全局。
On the other hand, adeno- means gland.
" Affect" means " to influence or produce a change in something."
Affect 意指「对某事物造成影响或改变」。
'At all' means to any extent or in any way.
“At all”意指在任何程度上或以任何方式。
" Showing off" means you are hoping to get attention.
showing off 意指希望获得关注。
" Signed up for" means something you agree to do.
signed up for 意指你同意做某事。
In this example, " bigger than they are" means more important.
在这个例子,bigger than they are 意指更为重要。
It describes the very high tide that traditionally causes flooding throughout much of Venice.
The last hurrah also can mean the last acts of a politician, before his term in office ends.
" Not giving up" means to keep trying.
not giving up 意指继续努力。
Although Epicurus was less of a thrill-seeker than his hedonism implies.
" I would never suggest anyone get in trouble for speaking their truth, " she said.
They included " Brexiteer, " which means someone who supported Britain's decision to exit, or leave, the European Union.
And it will mean for gay people in this country before, during and after the games.
而且它将意指的是这个国家举行赛事之前, 期间和之后的同性恋的人。
Clean record means no past trouble with the law.
Clean record 意指没有犯过法。
Like all of Flannery O'Connor's writing, the book is filled with humor, even when her meaning is serious.
That appears to refer to Vice President Michel Temer, Brazil's acting president during the suspension of Rousseff.
意指扶持在罗塞夫遭停职期间,暂代巴西总统职的副总统米歇尔·特梅尔(Michel Temer)。
" Sounds screwy" means it sounds strange.
sounds screwy 意指听起来很怪。
These cards that are meant to denote a particular place… Like Grand Teton, Wyoming. Or McLeod's Lake, British Columbia.
这些明信片意指某个特定的地方… … 比如怀俄明州的大提顿,或者列颠哥伦比亚省的麦克劳德湖。