She is the urger of closet revolution and the leader of era to modern garderobe .
Impelled by an irresistible presentiment, you will eagerly advance to it, unlock its folding doors, and search into every drawer—but for some time without discovering anything of importance—perhaps nothing but a considerable hoard of diamonds.
" Mr. Kennedy was a man of wide interests, " said Rhett respectfully. " Shall we go into the parlor" ? " No" ! cried Scarlett. glancing at the closed folding doors. She could still see the coffin in that room.
" 肯尼迪先生的兴趣广得很呢," 瑞德恭恭敬敬地说。" 咱们上客厅里去好吗?" " 不好!" 思嘉大声说,顺便瞧了一眼那关的折门,她觉得那棺材还停在客厅里。
He was not much acquainted with valves of any sort, but he knew that valvae were folding-doors, and through this crevice came a sudden light startling him with his first vivid notion of finely adjusted mechanism in the human frame.
It was wilful, gratuitous, suicidal; it made me catch at his sleeve in open horror and disgust; but, with a word of thanks, Mackenzie had returned to his window-sill, and we sauntered unwatched through the folding-doors into the adjoining room.