And even this famous painting is theorized by some to actually depict what an accurate sky above Norway looked like in the year following the eruption.
We might think of Victorians having Victorian attitudes about such a risque thing, and you can find such sentiments, and even bans, on tattooing throughout history.
" Thus far, as I hope you agree, I have shown you reasonably firm sources of fact for my deductions as to what Voldemort did until the age of seventeen? "
And you know, as I said, it's a master protein chopper and what you can do is you can extrapolate what it's doing in this milk to what it would be doing in your laundry.
The rules we have set down here are not mere theories or guesswork. They work like magic. Incredible as it sounds, I have seen the application of these principles literally revolutionize the lives of many people.