| 划词

The new system should target the detrimental effects of moneylending by freeing borrowers from high interest rates and any pressures or legal requirements to repay loans.




electromassor, electromatic, electromechanical, electromechanical device, electromechanics, electromechanization, electromedication, electromer, electromeric, electromerism, electrometallization, electrometallurgy, electrometer, electrometric, electrometrical, electrometrics, electrometrictitration, electrometrograph, electrometry, electromigratedpaper, electromigration, electrommunication, electromobile, electromodulation, electromotance, electromotion, electromotive, electromotive force, electromotive series, electromotor, electro-motor, electromyelography, electromyogram, electromyograph, electromyography, electron, electron accelerator, electron beam, electron gun, electron microscope, electron microscopy, electron multiplier, electron paramagnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, electron tube, electron volt, electron-amplifier, electronarcosis, electronasoscope, electronation, electron-beam, electron-dense, electro-necrosis, electronegative, electronegativity, electroneurography, electroneurolysis, electroneurotone, electroneutrality, electronfractography, electronic, electronic balance, electronic bulletin board, electronic computer, electronic data processing, electronic dictionary, electronic instrument, electronic organ, electronic stylus, electronic surveillance, electronic warfare, electronical, electronically, electronicconsole, electronickelling, electronics, electronics industry, electronicswatch, electronictransition, electron-like, electron-lucent, electronogram, electronograph, electronography, electronvolt, electron-volt, electron-withdrawing, electronystagmogram, electronystagmograph, electronystagmography, electrooculogram, electro-oculogram, electro-oculograph, electrooculography, electro-olfactogram, electrooptic(al)modulator, electrooptics, electro-optics, electroosmosis, electropaint, electropainting, electropane, electropathology, electropathy, electropherography, electrophile, electrophilic, electrophilicity, electrophobia, electrophobic, electrophone, electrophonocardiograph, electrophonoide, electrophorese, electrophoresis, electrophoretic, electrophoretogram, electrophorus, electrophotocopy, electrophoto-fluorescence, electrophotograph, electrophotography, electrophotoluminescence, electrophotometer, electrophotometry, electrophototherapy, electrophysics, electrophysiological, electrophysiology, electrophytogram, electropism, electropla, electroplate, electroplating, electroplax, electroplexy, electropneumatic, electropneumograph, electropneumography, electropolar, electropolish, electropolishing, electropolymer, electroporation, electroporcelain, electropositive, electropositivity, electro-precipitator, electroprobe, electroproduction, electroprognosis, electro-prostatectomy, electropsychrometer, electropulsograph, electropult, electropuncture, electropyrexia, electropyrometer, electroquartz, electroradiology, electroradiometer, electroradioscence, electrorammer, electrorefine, electrorefining, electroreflectance, electro-regulator, electroresection, electroresponse, electroretinogram, electroretinograph, electroretinography, electroscope, electroscopy, electrosection, electrosemaphore, electrosensitive, electrosensitivity, electrosensory, electroshape, electroshock, electro-shock, electroshock therapy, electrosilicification, electrosilvering, electrosinogram, electroslag, electrosleep, electrosmelting, electrosol, electrosome, electrospark, electrosparking, electrospectrogram, electrospectrography, electrosphygmomanometer, electro-sphygmomanometer, electrospinogram, electrospirometer, electrostatic, electrostatic charge, electrostatic field, electrostatic printer, electrostatic unit, electrostatics, electrostatography, electrosteel, electrostenolysis, electrostethograph, electrostethophone, electrostethoscope, electrostimulation, electrostimulator, electrostriction, electrostrictive, electrostrictor, electrosurgery, electrosurgical, electrosurgically, electrosyneresis, electrosynthesis, electrotachyscope, electrotactic, electrotape, electrotaxis, electrotechnical, electrotechnician, electrotechnics, electrotechnology, electrotellurograph, Electrotest, electrothalamogram, electrothanasia, electrotherapeutical, electrotherapeutics, electrotherapist, electrotherapy, electrotherm, electrothermal, electrothermic, electrothermics, electrothermoluminescence, electrothermometer, electrothermostat, electro-thermostat, electrothermotherapy, electrothermy, electrothinning, electrotimer, electrotinplate, electro-tinplate, electrotint, electrotitration, electrotome, electrotomy, electrotonic, electrotonicity, electrotonometer, electrotonus, electrotransport, electro-tricycle, electrotropic, electrotropism, electrotropy, electrotubogram, electrotype, electrotyper, electrotyping, electrotypist, electrotypograph, electrotypy, electroultrafiltration, electrovagogram, electrovalence, electrovalency, electrovalent, electrovalent bond, electrovalve, electrovectocardiography, electrovibrator, electroviscosity, electroviscous, electroweak, electrowelding, electro-welding, electrowinning, electrum, electuary, eledoisin, eleemosynary, elegance, elegancy, elegant, elegante, elegantly, elegiac, elegiacal, elegiast, elegise, elegist, elegit, elegize, elegy, eleidin, elektron, elem, Elema, elemane, Elemass, elemazulene, element, elemental, elementalism, elementalist, elementalstudies, elementary, elementary education, elementary geometry, elementary particle, elementary school, elementarysubstance, elementide, elementoid, elements, elemi, elemicin, elemol, Elena, elenchus, elenctic, elenolide, eleocarpine, eleocyte, eleolite, eleonorite, eleoptene, eleostearate, eleothorax, eleotrograving, elepaio, elephant, elephant seal, elephanter, elephantiac, elephantiasic, elephantiasicc, elephantiasis, elephantin, elephantine, elephantoid, elephant's-ear, elepidote, elerwind, eletricity, eletrolyzable, eletronation, eletroosmosis, eleudron, eleuin, Eleusinian, Eleusis, eleutherin, eleutherinol, eleutherol, eleutheromania, eleutheromaniac, eleutherophyllous, eleutheroside, eleutherotepalous, Eleutherozoa, elevate, elevated, elevated railroad, elevated railway, elevating, elevation, elevationscale, elevator, elevator car, elevator shaft, elevator-launcher, elevatory, eleven, elevenfold, eleven-plus, eleven-punch, elevens, elevenses, eleventh, eleventh hour, eleventhly, elevon, elevons, Elexal, elf, elfin, elfinwood, elfish, elfland, elflike, elflock, elfstorpite, elf-struck, ELG, Elgar, elgenone, Elgetol, Elgiloy, Elgin, Elgin Marbles, Elginshire, elhi, elhuyarite, Eli, Elia, Elia Kazan, Elianite, Eliante, Elias, eliasite, elicit, elicitation, elicitor, elide, eligibility, eligible, eligibly, Elihu, Elijah, Elijah Muhammad, eliminable, eliminant, eliminate, elimination, elimination reaction, elimination-addition, eliminative, eliminator, elinguation, elinguid, elinin, Elinor, ELINT, elinvar, Eliot, eliquation, Elis, elisa, Elisabeth, Elisabethville, Elise, Elisha, elision, elisor, Elissa, ELIT, elite, elites, elitism, elitist, elixation, elixir, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabethan, elk, elkaloy, Elkanah, Elkhart, elkhound, elkodermatosis, Elkonit, Elkonite, Elkonium, elkonometer, elkoplasty, elkosin, elkosine, ELKs, ell, ELLA, ellachick, ellagene, ellagic, ellagitannin, ellagitannins, Ellen, ellestadite, Ellick, Ellie, Ellington, Elliot, Elliott, ellipochoanitic, ellipse, ellipses, ellipsin, ellipsis, ellipsograph, ellipsoid, ellipsoid of revolution, ellipsoidal, ellipsoid-dome, ellipsometer, ellipsometry, elliptic, elliptical, elliptically, ellipticalness, ellipticine, ellipticity, elliptocyte, elliptocytosis, elliptoid, elliptol, elliptolone, elliptone, elliptonone, Ellis, Ellis Island, Ellison, ellitoral, ELLS, ellsworthite, elm, Elma, elmarit, Elmer, Elmhurst, Elmidae, Elmillimess, Elmira, ELMO, Elmont, elms, elmwood, elmy, El-Nino, Elo, elocnte, Elocron, elocute, elocution, elocutionary, elocutionist, elodea, eloge, Elohim, Elohist, eloign, eloignment, ELOISE, elon, elongate, elongated, elongating, elongation, elongationpass, elongator, elope, elopement, Elopidae, Elopiformes, eloquence, eloquent, eloquently, eloxal, ELP, elpasolite, Elphal, Elphinstone, elpidite, ELR, Elroy, ELS, Elsa, Elsan, Elsass, ELSD, else, ELSEC, Elsevier, elsewhere, elsewise, Elsholtzia, elsholtziakesone, elsholtzione, elsi, Elsie, elsin, Elsinoe, Elsinore, ELSO, Elspeth, ELSS, ELSSE, Elster, ELT, Elton, ELU, eluant, eluate, elucidate, elucidation, elucidative, elucidator, elucidatory, elucubrate, elucubration, elude, eluent, Elul, elurophobia, elusion, elusive, elusively, elusory, elute, eluting, elution, elutriant, elutriate, elutriating, elutriation, elutriator, elutriator-centrifuge, elutron, elutropic, eluvial, eluviate, eluviation, eluvium, Elva, elvan, elvegust, Elven, elver, Elverite, elves, Elvira, Elvis, Elvis Presley, elvish, elwotite, Ely, Elyot, Elyse, Elysee, Elyseeologist, Elyseeology, Elysia, elysian, Elysian Fields, Elysion, Elysium, elytra, elytratresia, elytreurynte, elytridium, elytriform, elytritis, elytrocele, elytroceliotomy, elytroclasia, elytrocleisis, elytroclisia, elytrocystoma, elytroid, elytron, elytrophore, elytropolykus, elytropolypus, elytroptosis, elytrorrhaphy, elytrorrhea, elytrostenosis, elytrostomy, elytrotomy, elytrum, Elzevir, em, em-, EMA, EMACC, emaciate, emaciated, emaciation, emacs, emaculation, emagram, email, e-mail, emailloblast, emailloid, emalangeni, Eman, emanant, emanate, emanation, emanative, emanator, emanatorium, emanatory, emancipate, emancipated, emancipation, emancipationist, emancipative, emancipator, emancipatory, emancipist, emanium, emanometer, emanometry, emanon, emanotherapy, Emanuel, EMAR, emarcid, emarginate, emargination, emasculate, emasculated, emasculation, emasculative, emasculator, emasculatory, emathlite, EMATS, EMBA, embacle, Embafume, embale, embalm, embalmed, embalmer, embalmment, embank, embankment, embar, embarcadero, embarcation, embargo, embark, embark on, embarkation, embarment, embarrass, embarrassed, embarrassedly, embarrassing, embarrassingly, embarrassment, embassador, embassage, embassy, embata, embathe, embattle, embattled, embattlement, embay, embayment, Embden, embed, embedability, embeddability, embeddable, embedded, embedding, embeded, embedment, embeliate, embelin, embellin, embellish, embellishment, ember, embergoose, embers, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzler, Embioptera, embitter, emblaze, emblazon, emblazonment, emblazonry, emblem, emblema, emblematic, emblematical, emblematise, emblematist, emblematize, emblematology, emblement, emblements, emblemize, emblems, emblic, embodier, embodiment, embody, embody in, embog, embolden, emboldening, embolectomy, emboli, embolia, embolic, embolism, embolismic, embolite, embolium, embolization, embolize, Embolobranchiata, embolon, embolum, embolus, emboly, embonpoint, emborder, embose, embosk, embosom, emboss, embossed, embosser, embossing, embossingflask, embossment, embouchure, embourgeoisement, embourgeoisification, embow, embowed, embowel, embower, embowered, embrace, Embraceable You, embraceor, embracer, embracery, embracive, embramine, embranchment, embrangle, embrasure, embrave, Embrithopoda, embritite, embrittle, embrittlement, embrocate, embrocation, embroglio, embroider, embroidered, embroiderer, embroideress, embroidering, embroidery, embroidery-plating, embroil, embroilment, embrown, embrue, embrute, embryectomy, embryo, Embryobionta, embryoblast, embryocardia, embryochemical, embryo-colony, embryoctony, embryogenesis, embryogenetic, embryogenic, embryogeny, embryograph, embryography, embryoid, embryoism, embryolemma, embryologic, embryologist, embryology, embryoma, embryometrotrophia, embryomorphous, embryon, embryon-, embryonal, embryonal carcinoma, embryonate, embryonated, embryonic, embryonic cell, embryonic membrane, embryoniform, embryonin, embryonism, embryonization, embryonoid, embryopathia, embryopathology, embryopathy, embryophore, embryophyta, embryophyte, embryophytic, embryoplastic, embryos, embryoscope, embryotega, embryotic, embryotome, embryotomy, embryotoxic, embryotoxicity, embryotoxon, embryotransfer, embryotroph, embryotrophe, embryotrophic, embryotrophy, embryulcia, embryulcus, embus, Embutox, EMC, EMCA, emcee, EMCS, EMD, emdash, Emden, EMDP, emeald, EMEC, E-media, emedullate, emeer, emeerate, emeleusite, emend, emendable, emendate, emendation, emendator, emendatory, EM-EOG, emerada, emerald, Emerald Isle, emeraldine, emeraldite, emeralds, emerge, emergence, emergencies, emergency, emergency brake, emergency exit, emergency medicine, emergency procedure, emergency room, emergency-off, emergent, emergent evolution, emergicenter, emerging, Emeric, emerimicin, emerita, emeritus, emerods, emersed, emersio, emersion, emersiprata, Emerson, Emersonian, emery, emery cloth, emery paper, emery wheel, emery-board, emerylite, emery-paper, emesis, E-metal, emetamine, emetatrophia, Emeter, E-meter, emetic, emeticclogy, emeticology, emetics, emetin, emetine, emetisan, emetocathartic, emetology, emetomania, emetomorphine, emetophobia, emeu, emeute, EMF, emfet, EMG, EMGBFT, EMGP, EMI, emic, emiction, emictoria, emictory, emigrant, emigrate, emigration, emigrator, emigratory, emigre, Emil, Emile, Emile Durkheim, Emilia, Emilio, Emily, Emily Dickinson, emimycin, Eminem, eminence, eminency, eminent, eminent domain, eminently, emiocytosis, emir, emirate, Emirates, EMIS, EMISM, Emison, emissarium, emissary, emissary vein, emission, emission control, emission spectrum, emissive, emissivity, emit, emitron, EMITT, emittance, emitted, emitter, emitter-coupled, emitters, emitting, EML, emltability, emluator, EMM, Emma, emmagee, Emmanuel, emmarble, emmarvel, EMME, Emmeline, Emmen, emmenagogue, emmenia, emmeniopathy, emmenology, Emmental, emmer, emmesh, emmet, emmetrope, emmetropia, emmetropic, EMMI, emmonite, emmonsite, Emmy, Emmys, EMO, emodin, emoji, emol, emollescence, emolliate, emollience, emollient, emolsifier, emolument, emoluments, emophytic, emote, emoticon, Emoticons, emotiometabolic, emotiomotor, emotion, emotional, emotional state, emotional value, emotionalism, emotionalist, emotionality, emotionalize, emotionally, emotionless, emotions, emotiovascular, emotive, emotively, emotivity, EMP, empaistic, empale, empanada, empanel, empaquetage, emparadise, empathema, empathetic, empathic, empathically, empathize, empathy, empennage, emperor, emperor penguin, emperorship, empery, emphases, emphasis, emphasise, emphasize, emphasizer, emphatic, emphatically, empholite, emphractic, emphraxis, emphsema, emphysatherapy, emphysema, emphysematous gangrene, emphyteusis, emphyteuta, Empididae, Empidinae, Empidoidea, empids, empire, Empire State, Empire State of the South, empire-building, empires, empiric, empiric(al), empirical, empirical formula, empirical research, empirically, empiricism, empiricist, empiriocriticism, empiriomonism, empirism, empirismus, empiristic, emplace, emplacement, emplane, emplaster, emplastic, emplastrum, emplectite, emplectum, empleomania, emploment, employ, employability, employable, employe, employed, employee, employee stock ownership plan, employee turnover, employer, employless, employment, employment agency, employment contract, employment office, employment-at-will, empocket, empodium, empoison, empolder, emporia, emporiatrics, emporium, empoverish, empower, empresmomania, empress, empressement, empressite, empretron, emprise, emprize, emprosthotonos, emprosthozygosis, emprotid, empsyxis, emptied, emptier, emptily, emptiness, emptor, empty, empty-handed, empty-headed, emptying, emptysis, empurple, empurpled, Empusa, empyema, empyemata, empyesis, empyreal, empyrean,


3G, 401(K), a,



That's the loan asset and I create a demand deposit account for them.



Maybe you could gather capital from other sources, smaller loans from more lenders.


VOA Special 2016年3合集

The unusual measure is meant to encourage banks to lend money rather than keep it with the central bank.


CRI在线 2022年9合集

The IMF says the agreement will support Sri Lanka's economic recovery with a 48-month arrangement.

国际货币基金组织表示,该协议约定在 48 个内()支持斯里兰卡的经济复苏。


The federal government stood behind all American banks and borrowed to finance infrastructure spending and increased unemployment benefits.



In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months.



Some lenders may have rationally believed that, when the crunch came, the scale of the problem would force governments to rescue them.


TED演讲(音频版) 2014年4合集

We had incredibly early warnings of it, and it was absolutely unambiguous that no honest lender would make loans in this fashion.



A bolder move would be to buy SME loans directly from both banks and non-bank lenders, focusing its purchases where credit supply looks tightest.



By the late 1200s — when those snail pictures started getting popular — the Lombards had become lenders and pawnbrokers spread throughout Europe.

到 1200 年代后期——当那些蜗牛画开始流行时——伦巴第已经成为遍布欧洲的和典当商。



endostomium, endostosis, endostracum, endostyle, endosulfan, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, endotesta, endotheca, endothecium,


3G, 401(K), a,
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