The stormy waves pounded against the rocks.
After enduring the shock of this torrent which rasped my soul, I was sent back to school in charge of my brother. I lost the dinner at the Freres Provencaux, and was deprived of seeing Talma in Britannicus.
在忍受了这股汹涌澎湃的灵魂冲击之后,我被送回了学校照顾弟弟。我失去了在 Freres Provencaux 的晚餐,也没有机会在 Britannicus 见到 Talma。
The night-wind began to blow soon after dark; at first only a gentle breathing, but increasing toward midnight to a rough gale that fell upon my leafy roof in ragged surges like a cascade, bearing wild sounds from the crags overhead.