| 划词

1.The physical properities of cantilever, in particular the spring constant has important influence on the microcomponent of MEMS.



2.MEMS will be one of the most important realm of science in 21th century,and micropower which is a branch of MEMS directly relates to development of MEMS in some applied realm.




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1.If you hesitate before moving or neglect to move promptly, your mem will be wiped off by time.


DEFCON Collection

2.But this descriptor length here is used down below in that mem copy.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

3.That means we can copy more than two bytes using this mem copy function.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

4.We don't have to jump back into the code that called the mem copy.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

5.We control mem copies return pointer, and we capture the flow of control profit.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

6.So what does the copy operation look like? If we do the mem copy, it looks like this.

那么复制操作是什么子的呢?如果我们进行 mem 复制,它看起来像

「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

7.So we take a bunch of our payload, copy it over the stack, and then the mem copy is done.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

8.We mem copy that descriptor with that length that we set to two here and this descriptor into that DMA buffer.

我们用我们在里设置为 2 的那个长度复制那个描述符,并将个描述符复制到那个 DMA 缓冲区中。

「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

9.The mem copy would return to this function because of the saved return points around the stack, which we overwrote.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正

10.One thing to note is that sometimes MEMS oscillators are used in smartphones to  save space instead of crystal oscillators, and we'll dive into MEMS in a future episode.

需要注意的一点是, 有时智能手机中使用 MEMS 振荡器来代替晶体振荡器以节省空间,我们将在未来的章节中深入探讨 MEMS。机翻

DEFCON Collection

11.And the interesting thing is on the stack, the stack in the C language is used if you do a function call to the mem copy, for example.

有趣的是在堆栈上,例如,如果您对 mem 副本进行函数用,则使用 C 语言中的堆栈。

「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.These technologies are the speaker, audio codecs, Bluetooth, the System on a Chip or SoC, the Printed Circuit board or PCB, accelerometers, the Lithium Ion Battery, MEMS microphones, and noise cancellation.

些技术包括扬声器、音频编解码器、蓝牙、片上系统或 SoC、印刷电路板或 PCB、加速度计、锂离子电池、MEMS 麦克风和噪音消除技术。机翻

English With Lucy

13.I didn't have enough money and then the checkout lady insisted on counting every single coin and the people behind mem were getting really annoyed and it was so embarrassing.

我没有足够的钱,然后收银员坚持要清点每一枚硬币,mem 背后的人真的很生气,太尴尬了。机翻

「English With Lucy」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

14.But what if we copy eight kilobytes? If we set that w length to eight kilobytes, then the mem copy operation is going to copy that variable plus 8,190 bytes into that DMA buffer from the stack.

但是如果我们复制 8 KB 呢?如果我们将 w 长度设置为 8 KB,那么内存复制操作将把该变加上 8,190 字节从堆栈复制到 DMA 缓冲区中。

「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

15.And what then happens is that down below here, a mem copy happens where that response, this is the response that the host waits for on that control request because it wants to get the status.


「DEFCON Collection」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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  • 手机客户端二维码

