| 划词

1.The manager’s arrival galvanised the workers into activity.

1.经理一来, 工人动。


2.Was American opinion really as “galvanised” by the torpedoing of the Lusitania as by Pearl Harbour and September 11th 2001?




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《金融时报》 Podcast

1.I mean, that disparity was just galvanising for me.

我的意思是, 这种差异对我来说只是激励。机翻

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《金融时报》 Podcast

2.And that kind of galvanised the nation.


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The People Profiles

3.Churchill needed to galvanise the nation and parliament.


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《金融时报》 Podcast

4.It is not something that was just galvanising people overall.


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5.Anger can have a galvanising effect in specific circumstances.


The People Profiles

6.The words of the Declaration of Independence had a galvanising effect on the defenders of the city.


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《金融时报》 Podcast

7.But ultimately, the hope is that this breakthrough will galvanise interest in investment in the sector and so accelerate the progress.

,希望这一突破将激发对该行业投资的兴趣, 因此加快进度。机翻

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The People Profiles

8.This stunning  victory galvanised the Jewish rebels and pushed aside moderates, hardening their desire  for complete Judean independence from Rome.

这一惊人的胜利激励了犹太叛军, 并排挤了温和派,定了他们要求犹太民族完全独立于罗马的愿望。机翻

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经济学人 Culture

9.Founders and investors were galvanised by the health and social crises of 2020, and by the worsening inequality visible around them.

创始人和投资者受到 2020 年的健康和社会危机以及周的日益恶化的不平等现象的鼓舞。机翻

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《金融时报》 Podcast

10.Donald Trump started to kind of ramp up his attacks and hostilities on Canada, and that kind of galvanised the nation.


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《金融时报》 Podcast

11.Now, when it comes to whether or not they're galvanised, I don't spend quite as much time on college campuses as Rana does.

现在, 说到他们是否有动力,我花在大学校园里的时间并不像拉娜那么多。机翻

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The People Profiles

12.While Winston Churchill's addresses to the nation during the war usually garner greater attention, George's on Britain's entry into the war was also galvanising.


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13.Mr Noda's move could also transform the prospects of the TPP, most obviously by uniting two of the world's leading three economies but also by galvanising others.


经济学人 Business

14.Capital would be destroyed: once molten zinc used to galvanise steel solidifies in its vast tanks, it would be too costly to melt again.


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15.I don't join up because my contribution to the war effort is to write and speak to people all over the world to raise awareness about this war and galvanise support for Ukraine.


The People Profiles

16.This was the first of three speeches he would make in the summer of 1940 which are generally credited with having galvanised the nation's resolve to fight on against the Nazis.

这是他在 1940 年夏天发表的三场演讲中的第一篇,人们普遍认为这些演讲激发了国家继续对抗纳粹的决心。机翻

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The school of life

17.But our diaries are a forum in which we can raise and then galvanise ourselves into answering the large questions which lie behind the stewardship of our lives: What do I really want?


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《金融时报》 Podcast

18.And I'm just curious if you have any thoughts on what Rana posited on, on a newly galvanised youth vote that will show up because it's Harris as opposed to Biden?

我只是好奇, 您是否对拉纳提出的论点有什么看法?即由于哈里斯而不是拜登, 年轻人的选票将重新聚集起来?机翻

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The school of life

19.The discipline of writing a long letter has the effect of galvanising our hitherto confused and disparate emotions and forces our intelligence to lay out our story in a systematic and emotionally logical way.


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