9.It is the one constant in every university endeavor; it impinges on hiring, distorts the curriculum, and sucks up vast amounts of faculty time and taxpayer money.
10.Conversely, opponents of more stringent regulations contend that such measures could stifle innovation within the field and impinge upon individual autonomy in healthcare choices.
11.Raw sensory signals, the electromagnetic waves that impinge upon our retinas, the pressure waves that assault our eardrums, and so on, well, they're always ambiguous and uncertain.
12.They can turn down applications from scientists they believe will work against their interests, or research projects that will impinge too much on their daily lives and traditional activities.
13.The young man so shaped his trackless course as to impinge on the path a little ahead of this coloured form, and when he drew near her he smiled and reddened.
14.When I discussed the idea with Tim and Larry, though, they were skeptical, arguing that it would be difficult to administer and might impinge on legitimate services that banks provided their customers.
但是,当我与 Tim 和 Larry 讨论这个想法时,他们持怀疑态度,认为这将难以管理,并且可能会影响银行为其客户提供合法服务。机翻
15.Mrs. Browning could no more conceal herself than she could control herself, a sign no doubt of imperfection in an artist, but a sign also that life has impinged upon art more than life should.
十九世纪冒险故事 Thrilling Adventures By Land And Sea by James O. Brayman
16.The banks were low, not over three feet above the surface of the water, except where the ridge impinged upon the stream. Here there was a high bluff; and, hurrying around its base, I entered the channel, and commenced wading upward.