1.This thesis makes a thorough analysis of Plato's concept of Idea by referring to many important Plato's dialogues, with studying some other concepts, such as nous, noesis, auto, etc.
8.The word that we typically render as ''repent'' is metanoiete in the Greek, a term which is based upon two words ''meta, '' ''beyond, '' and ''nous, '' ''mind.''
9.Last year it recruited Tony Hoggart, a former executive from Tesco, a British supermarket chain, to bring grocery nous to a business hitherto obsessed with overhead cameras, QR codes and data collection.
10." By the way, " he said, turning to Sipiagin, " et ce gaillard-la" (he moved his chin in Paklin's direction). " Qu'enferons nous? He does not appear very dangerous" .
11.But, as luck would have it, there is a tool lying around that has both the money and the nous to do it, and which is currently underemployed and in need of a new mission.
12.Since the law in question considerably magnifies penalties when the misconduct is " wilful" , the omission was potentially disastrous—and could only have been caught by someone with the right combination of legal and linguistic nous.