5.During piano playing and teaching, we should pay attention to rhythm changing of formal or informal rhythm, strong or weak beat, syncope or link line tercet or various slur.
2.Most people with Mobitz type II do feel symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, and syncope, though the severity can vary from patient to patient.
3.Patients with complete heart block are usually symptomatic, with symptoms ranging from syncope, confusion, dyspnea, severe chest pain, and these patients are at risk of dying.
4." Sometimes, " answered the doctor, " one feels nothing at first, and then syncope sets in, and more especially with people of strong constitution like this man" .
5.The light that long ago had struck me into syncope, recalled in this vision, seemed glidingly to mount the wall, and tremblingly to pause in the centre of the obscured ceiling.