1.Abbreviation: T: Tapetal; N: Nucleus; TE:Tetrad; TW: Wall of tapetal cell; V: V acuole; D: Dictyosome; C: Callose; M: Mitochondria.
1.Those to me are two v's together.
2.This is very important because we can already eliminate answer v.
3.The defense won Commonwealth v. Ferber by proving the police had bias.
4.So this will be plus V and this will be plus 0.
所以这将是正 V,而这将是正 0。
5.And it dismissed Gonzalez v Google, another case centred on moderating terrorist content.
6.One thing that I would be curious about is doing a V the other way.
7.OK, and the other difference is the ending again we have the V versus the F, leave, leaf.
8.The laws were designed to take effect after the supreme court's anticipated ruling to overturn Roe v Wade.
9.You can even remove the V if you want to and just say " shoulda" , " woulda" , " coulda" .
你甚至可以把 V 去掉,就说 shoulda,woulda,coulda。
10.That's why this court decision – Lau v.
这就是为什么法院判决 – Lau v.机翻
11.Another famous case known as Roe v.
一个著名的案件,即罗伊诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade),使堕胎(终止妊娠,使胎儿无法出生的做法)合法化。机翻
12.Now what happens if I multiply vector v.
现在, 如果我乘以向量v会发生什么?机翻
13.Turns out little J. Didn't lose her v.
14.Schwa V, you can drop that V, but I definitely hear him saying it.
Schwa V,你可以去掉那个 V,但我肯定听到他这么说了。机翻
15.A few days ago I met a certain young V—, a frank, open fellow, with a most pleasing countenance.
几天前,我遇到了一个年轻的V-, 一个坦率,开放的,面容非常讨喜欢。机翻
16.Now what happens if I were to multiply minus 4 times our vector v?
现在, 如果我乘以减去4倍我们的向量v会发生什么?机翻
17.You could represent vector v like this, where it is 2 comma 3, like that.
你可以像这样表示向量 v,其中它是 2 逗号 3, 就像那样。机翻
18.O U O S V A V V, a series of characters nobody's been able to explain to this day.
O U O S V A V V,至今无能解释的一系列字符。机翻
19.The factor V degradation product also binds to this complex and further enhances its ability to cleave more active factor V and active factor VIII.
20.For example, if I do minus 2, this is minus 2, times my vector v, I get here.
例如, 如果我执行负 2, 则为负 2 乘以我的向量 v,则得到此处。机翻