For general exploringobjects requirement, narrow pulse signal with tens millimicro second to millimicrosecond has the frequency spectrum from DC to thousands MHz.
For one is beautiful is the brand, from direct current to gigacycle per second analogy, the composite signal, the radio frequency, the optical fiber, the micro controller and corresponds IC to have.
The device you're watching this video on right now is almost certainly running at Gigahertz speeds - that's billions of instructions executed every second.
Sales Clerk: Well, this desktop over here is our latest model. It has a four gigahertz processor with sixteen gigabytes in RAM and a hard disk with one terabyte.
The chip, designed to power person computers, has a speed of 1.5 gigahertz, making it almost twice as fast as Intel's popular Pentium 3 chip which runs at 800 megahertz.
As we've discussed throughout the series, computers have come a long way from mechanical devices capable of maybe one calculation per second, to CPUs running at kilohertz and megahertz speeds.
One megahertz is one million clock cycles per second, and the computer or even phone that you are watching this video on right now is no doubt a few gigahertz -- that's BILLIONs of CPU cycles every… single... second.
1 兆赫兹是每秒一百万个时钟周期,而您现在正在观看此视频的计算机甚至手机无疑是几千兆赫兹——即每… 每秒数十亿个 CPU 周期。
At the other end of this lab is where the clock signals come in, so the hydrogen maser is in the bunker that's underneath here in its concrete shell, and it sends up its reference tone 10 megahertz signal.