National Library Board of Singapore (NLB) is an antecessor and victor compared with institutions of the same trade in carrying out knowledge management.
The author completed some of his best-known novels, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds and The First Men in the Moon.
From time to time the world has sight of these great rebellious spirits, who, like John the Forerunner, hurl anathemas against a corrupted civilisation. The last of these was Rousseau.
In the world of equity capital the pacesetter is a British firm called Crowdcube, which uses the idea of “crowdfunding” to enable lots of investors to buy up small stakes in start-up firms.
Arabella lay facing the window, and did not at once turn her head: and Sue was wicked enough, despite her penitence, to wish for a moment that Jude could behold her forerunner now, with the daylight full upon her.