Linear focal elastosis (LFE) is a disorder of elastic fibers characterized by palpable, yellowish, linear striae distributed horizontally over the mid and lower back.
It's venom possess neurotoxic, cardiotoxic and hemotoxic properties.The clinical features of cobra bite are various, depend on the species and the ratio of the venous component.
The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.
Sircana, a deputy and long-time Prodi confidante, said he had been devastated by the photo and called his behaviour "a moment of stupid curiosity" in a supposed transexual.
This site offers images from the tropics e.g. pictures of soil profiles: aridisol in Peru, vertisol in Kenya, alfisol in Nigeria, mollisol in Thailand, spodosol in Brazil, laterite outcrops etc.