Brenda collapsed yesterday afternoon yet she was as right as ninepence when I saw her that morning.
It's often easy to control the parasites with cheap treatments. But resources get wasted because deworming programs are targeted at the wrong communities. The atlas should help the eradication fight by letting health officials know just where the problem areas are.
其实用一些价廉的治疗方法就可以很容易控制住这些寄生虫。但是因为" 除虫计划" 搞错了对象,这些药物资源好端端的就浪费掉了。而这些地图集刚好能帮助卫生局高清楚问题地区所,然后将虫虫们斩草除根。
" Well, I never did, " said one-eyed Jack-Be-Lucky. " My father got himself good and hanged by Lord Piper's bailiff, my brother Wat got sent to the Wall, and the Lannisters killed my other brothers. An eye, that's nothing" .
" 嗯,没错," 独眼的幸运杰克说," 父亲好端端的就被派柏大人的监察官吊死,哥渥特则被抓去长城,兰尼斯特家杀死了的弟弟们。一只眼睛,真算不了什么。"