Economic policy has been adrift since Mr Buhari came to power, and investors complain about the central bank's use of trade controls and import restrictions.
Serious reform is always painful: Mrs Thatcher was widely loathed in her radical second term; Tony Blair complained about the “scars on my back” from his fights with public-sector workers.
With anger rising in many of the worst-afflicted communities over the lack of relief, these volunteers are readying supplies-even though no one is sure when they will reach those in need.
If the capture of Georgia by Sherman had caused bitterness, the final capture of the state's capitol by the Carpetbaggers, Yankees and negroes caused an intensity of bitterness such as the state had never known before.
In our very early days, the servers went down for some technical reason that we understood that this would take a long time for us to bring them back up. And the community was up in arms.