They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.
Profits have, it is true, been higher in America since the financial crisis of 2007-09 than in previous decades, especially if you consider free cashflows, which account for the changing way companies depreciate assets (see chart 3).
确,自2007-09年金融危机以来, 美国利润一直高于前几十年,特别是如果你考虑自由现金流,这是公司折旧资产方式变化原因(见图3)。
To promote the development of high-quality manufacturing, we will strengthen the foundations of industry and the capacity for technological innovation, boost the integrated development of advanced manufacturing and modernized services, and work faster to make China strong in manufacturing.
打造工业互联网平台,拓展" 智能+" ,为制造业转型升级赋能。支持企业加快技术改造和设备更新,将固定资产加速折旧优惠政策扩大至全部制造业领域。