The crank and connecting rod mechanism (CCRM) is often used in automatization machineries.It can transform circumrotation movement into to-and-fro beeline movement.
By CAD, based on diagrammatize principle, the dimensions of every parts in cracker rocker mechanism under different conditions are determined, and design demands are satisfied.
The influence of structure parameters which include diameter of round corner in axis, crankpin length and crankweb width and so on to stress focus place were discussed.
A new training apparatus for legs based on crank and rocker mechanism,is proposed in this paper.It can simulate the to-and-fro motion of the sporter's legs realistically.
In Philadelphia in 1843, Nancy Johnson patented a revolutionary ice cream-making machine featuring a crank and beater, which made the process easier for any home cook.
The person in the chair would move themselves with a series of cranks, cogs, levers, and gears that were turned like bike pedals to make the device move.
He was in dead-water, and the parti-colored, fantastic cranks swam about his boat, as though he were the ancient mariner, and they saurians of the prime.
Since those forgotten afternoons when her niece barely had enough interest to turn the crank on the sewing machine, she had reached the conclusionthat she was simpleminded.
Out west, folks are still buying their coffee beans green, roasting the beans at home, then grinding them with a hand crank, all before actually brewing them.