The types of deposits basically are differential metasomatism in the later magma, pneumatolytic hydrothermal process, pegmatite process, residual deposits and placer deposits.
Humic acid is a kind of organic matter with high molecular quantity and satisfactory biological activity, and there are abundant humic acid in airslake-coal.
This paper introduces the geological features and the unhomogeneous weathering phenomenon of coral reef limestone of Sudan Port Area,and the bearing capacity of this layer.
Humic acid (HA ) was abstracted from leonardite,and a composite superabsorbent (HA PSA ) was prepared by compounding poly (acrylic acid ) and lignitic humic acid.
SOL 170 is a solvent based impregnator especially formulated to protect marbles, granites and natural stones from water and dirtpenetration, frost damage and to stop calcareous efflorescence.
SOL 170 是一种特别渗透性配方的防水剂,有效于保护大理石、花岗岩、天然石材等。防止水印及水渍呈现于石材面,并可防止污渍渗入面、冰霜侵入及防止风。
There are some independent minerals of Cd, which are secondary minerals formed during weathering and leaching, such as greenockite, otavite and oxides of Cd in the oxidized zone of the deposit.
An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate,heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite.
The central concept of Inceptisols is that of soils of soills of humid and subhumid regions that have altered horizons that have lost bases or iron and aluminum but retain some weatherable minerals.