How To Cook A Perfect Risotto


Risoto(意大利烩饭)是意大利很著名的主食,算是在中国西餐厅里刷脸次数比较多的一种西餐烩饭,出场率仅次于意面和匹萨。米粒吸收着汤汁,包裹着香浓奶酪,一点点硬芯是其特殊口感。哇,好饿~ 说起来有些复杂,实际操作其实还比较容易,赶快入手学习下吧!

Risotto is such a beloved dish, but it can come off as daunting and complicated if you don't follow a few important rules.

We're gonna break down the steps it takes to make an absolutely perfect risotto.

Risotto is traditionally made with Arborio rice which is a type of short-grain rice.

It has a high starch content, which allows it to become creamier once cooked.

You can use other types of rice or grains, like long-grain rice, farro, or barley, but we'd recommend sticking with Arborio.

There's no hard-and-fast line when it comes to achieving the ideal consistency.

However, a good rule of thumb is for every one cup of rice, use four to six cups of stock.

We're using chicken stock, but you can use the stock of your choice or even hot water in a pinch.

We're gonna bring the stock to a boil over high heat.

If you add cold stock to your rice, it won't cook through or achieve that ideal, creamy texture.
