瘦身瑜伽之"猫伸展式" Yoga For Weight Loss _ Yoga Core Workout _ Yoga With Adriene


Hello everyone, and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.

I am Adriene, and today we're going to continue our Yoga for Weight Loss series with a core check in.

So let's hop on the mat!

Okay, so we're going to begin on all fours.

I can take a second here to do a couple of cat cows which we have a video for and I actually recommend just doing a couple, maybe a lot of cat cows to check in with the spine.

I have already done my cat cows for today, so I am ready to rock and roll.

So we'll do a little one of the cat-cow on the spine.

Then I am going to check in with my tabletop position which is wrists directly underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hip points, and I am going to press up and out of my foundation.

So spread the palms nice and wide.

Press into the tops of the feet, and even begin to spread the toes.
