最强英音:Martin Freeman坚持做自己









(Music: Song of the Lonely Mountain/Neil Finn)


        今天我在《最强英音》专栏里来说说Martin Freeman。他最为大家所熟悉的角色应该是指环王系列的《霍比特人》,其中他出演主角Bilbo Baggins。以及众多其他的角色包括电视剧《福尔摩斯》中的华生医生,漫威世界的《美国队长》和《黑豹》等。他本身自带谐星基因,出演搞笑剧得心应手。


      今天我和大家分享的这段视频中,他被一位虚拟的角色摇滚巨星Brian Pern邀请,来参加他的一部自传有声小说的录制。但和众多甲方一样,Brian Pern不知道自己要什么,只希望与众不同。他提出了一个要求,恰巧我个人也曾经被提出过这样的要求。就是要换声。甲方对于你的声音不满意,希望能够变声成“另外一个人”,至于是哪个,他们也不知道。有意思的是,所有的配音在开始前,其实都有试听样片的过程。通常来说,有原则的配音员就会直接拒绝了。这段视频包袱不少,如果你没有看明白,可以参考下方我给大家罗列的字幕。

      这段视频中,从发音的角度来说,是很好的一个材料。因为你可以发现Brian Pern的口音和Martin Freeman的不同,特别在梅花音和一些辅音的区别上。



Martin: Brian.

Brian: Oh…Sorry.

Martin: It’s going nice to see you.

Brian: And you…

Martin: You’re right. Hello, there.

Brian: This is Ellen.

Martin: Hello Ellen. Nice, I’m Martin. How are you doing? Nice to meet you.

Brian: Thanks for coming.

Martin: Thanks for asking me. To be honest, I was very pleasantly surprised. I hope what’s done is forgotten.

Brian: Oh, don’t worry about that.

Martin: Are you sure?

Brian: Yeah. Read the book?

Martin: I haven’t away, yeah, yeah.

Brian: Great.

Martin: Can I get the embarrassing bit out of the way first. Can I get you…if you wouldn’t mind sign this for a very good friend of mine. He is a huge fan of yours, yours is the only name from the band not on it. Would you do that?

Brian: M… this is a bootleg.

Martin: Wow, was it?

Brian: Yeah…where did you purchase this?

Martin: I didn’t know. So it says a fried of mine. Would you still sign in that because it’s for McKellen he’s a huge fan and he will be…

Brian: Um…I’ve been fighting these bootleggers for years.

Martin: I totally understand now. I’m very happy to… what would that be…40,50 quid?

Brian: Common. It’s not about the money, Martin. It’s about the products. I mean this album’s not mixed properly. There’s no overdubs. You know the artwork is unofficial. Look at the lettering here. He spelled DIVORCE with and S.

Martin: Oh, shit, yeah.

Brian: I don’t get a penny out of this either.

Martin: I thought it wasn’t about the money.

Brian: God. Bastards.

Martin: Yeah…

Brian: Nope. I can’t sign in that,

Martin: Ok, thanks.

Brian: Oh, it’s really made me angry. I can’t believe the other members have thought sign that.

Martin: 45 Yeas of Prog and Roll by Brian Pern, read by Martin Freeman. Chapter One Inside the Womb. Long before I was born, I had rhythm. I felt it whilst living in the uterus.

Brian: Can I stop you there Martin? I’ve got a bit of a problem with that.

Martin: Ok…What’s wrong?

Brian: Were you just sound like Martin Freeman reading a book?

Martin: Well, I am Martin Freeman reading a book.

Brian: Well I realized that the trouble is it’s confusing because if people listen to that and don’t hear the beginning, they’ll just think it’s Martin Freeman reading his own autobiography. Do you have a different voice?

Martin: A different voice…like what?

Brian: I don’t know…something less Martin Freemanish…I mean this is my book. These are my words. Try and get inside my head.

Martin: 45 years of Prog and Roll by Brian Pern read by Martin Freeman. (In the style of Brian Pern’s

Brian: Look, can I stop you there?

Martin: Sure.

Brian: That sounds like Brian Pern doing an impression of Martin Freeman.

Martin: I was meant to be me doing a voice that sounds a bit more like yours. I’m sorry if I misunderstood that.

Brian: Can you do something a bit different?

Martin: Yeah, sure, like what?

Brian: Something more neutral.

Martin: Sorry,  yeah, neutral doesn’t mean much though.

Brian: Well, just a different voice entirely.

Martin: A different voice entirely.

Brian: Yea, do you have a voice that you have?

Martin: I’ve got a lot of voices to be honest, man…

Brian: Take a voice from your head and try it.

Martin: Ready?

Brian: Yeah.

Martin: 45 years of Prog and Roll by Brian Pern read by Martin Freeman Chapter One Inside the Womb.(Welsh Accent)

Brian: Hello, I like that.

Martin: Do you?

Brian: Yeah.

Martin: Brian. Surely the point of getting me in to read your book is because I sound like Martin Freeman.

Brian: Really?

Martin: Yeah!

Brian: Yes, but I like the Welsh voice.

Martin: But you’re not Welsh and neither am I. So what sense does that make?

Brian: It doesn’t matter.

Martin: Isn’t it?

Brian: People know my music. That’s an important thing and they know my face which will be on the cover of the book.

Martin: But it is not in the book though, it’s not actually in the audiobook. It’s gonna need something that is relatable to. If I do a bad Welsh accent, Brian, how is that you or me?

Brian: Do it again, Welsh, but I want it done with more gravitas with it. I do it as if you’re one of the great Welsh actors.

Martin: Well, the great Welsh actors?

Brian: Yeah.

Martin: Like Anthony Hopkins?

Brian: Perfect.

Martin: Perfect. You want Anthony Hopkins?

Brian:  Yes, there would be good.

Martin: I tell you what. Why don’t you fucking hire Anthony Hopkins then we’ll all be a lot happier. Jesus…

Brian: Can we hire Anthony Hopkins, or will he be too expensive?

Martin: Give me a favour, will you Brian? Lose my number!

Brian: Oh, I don’t have your number I don’t think. So I can’t lose it. Actors!

bootleg /ˈbuːt.leɡ/ n. 非法售卖品

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 在口语环境中,一些辅音,特别是/t/会出现消失。

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