Why I'm able to study 70+ hours a week and not burn out (how to stay efficient)


I never miss the gym even if the most important test of my life is tomorrow.

And I always study at the same seat at my desk every single day.

Why don't I do these things?

Well in this video I'm gonna give you four evidence-based tips on how to actually prepare best for a heavy day of studying.

Studying the right way is important, but what about what we do before we start studying, after we start studying?

Just like bodybuilders and big weightlifters can maximize their gains from the gym, by eating a certain diet and sleeping a certain amount of time, we can maximize our gains from a heavy day of studying by how we do certain things after and before we study.

These aren't gonna be tips or techniques for how to study.

I'll be making a video on that in the near future.

These are just gonna be tips and techniques for what to do when you're not studying.

What you can do when you're not studying to maximize that information sticking in your brain and actually for your brain to start creating new connections even while you sleep.
