


Anyway, so I thought about what would make me happy, what would make me, happy what makes other people happy.

And so I wrote to him, I said, " I think the secret to happiness is this. The secret to happiness is being good-looking."

Now throughout your life, people will lie to you and say things like kindness or being good to others or family or some shit."

The only way to truly be happy in this world is to be good-looking.

Now, in this world, we have everything from one, being the ugliest person on Earth, to 10 being the best- looking person on Earth.

And we have everything in between. And there's very few ones, and very few twos, and very few threes.

And four, five, six is the meat of the bell curve.

That's where ninety-five percent of the population is average-looking. Four, five, six and seven, eight, nine, ten.

Now. . . I've been looking out at the audience here.

Pretty good. Like I've spotted an eight. Or what they call an LA six.
