Lady Gaga's Emotional Speech on Surviving Sexual Assault and Mental Health | ELLE



最近,Lady Gaga 在一场红毯上也穿了一套时下超火的宽松版西装。然而,这样的红毯穿搭很快就被网友们群嘲了……英国足球运动员彼得·克劳奇也出来打趣,说她这是穿了自己的衣服。

面对各种各样的打趣和群嘲,Lady Gaga在后来的活动演讲中,解释了自己为何选择这身西装走红毯。感觉这段动人的演讲,是对键盘侠们最有力的回击……

So, after trying on 10 or so dresses, With a sad feeling in my heart, that all that would matter was what I wore to this red carpet.

I saw an oversized Marc Jacobs suit buried quietly in the corner.

I put it on.

To a resounding view of eyes glaring at me in confusion.

"But the Rodarte was so beautiful"! one said.

"But the raft Simmons for Calvin Klein was so stunning on you!" said another.

"But what about the Brandon Maxwell"? "What about the Dior"? Lots of questions.

They were all dresses.

This was an oversized men's suit made for a woman, not a gown.

And then I began to cry.
