How to Save Money Every Day


从某种程度而言,挣钱和花钱是成年人的一种责任。虽然绝大部多数人擅长挣钱和花钱,但在省钱的问题上却犯了难。实际上,生活中有很多简单却行之有效的省钱小技巧,可以助你的省钱大计再上一个新的台阶。那么,新一年了,为了荷包鼓起来,快来 pick 这些小技巧吧,总有一款适合你~

You probably already know some of the basics, like how making your own coffee or bringing your lunch to work can help you save hundreds of dollars a year.

If you're doing that, definitely keep it up.

But let's look at a few other ways you can save on everyday expenses and how some simple decisions that you make every day can help you save money.


The supermarket is a great place to start because there are a lot of easy ways to cut down on your shopping bill.

You may already be doing things like making a list to cut back on impulse buying, clipping coupons, or using apps to find deals, and even looking at the price per unit to help you get the most for your money.

But there are even more ways you can save.

For example, when you see a sale or discount, be strategic.

Sales and discounts can be great opportunities to save on things you need, but stores often offer incentives for items that a lot of people wouldn't normally get.

So it can pay to be selective when considering any discounts you might be offered.
