73 Questions With Saoirse Ronan | Vogue


- [Interviewer] Okay. Saoirse!

- Joe! - [Interviewer] Thanks for taking the time

to answer seventy-three questions. - I'm honored.

- [Interviewer] So honored also, myself, to be in London! - I know.

- [Interviewer] What are you doing in London? - Just packin' up my suitcase, do you want to come in?

- [Interviewer] Yes! - Great. - [Interviewer] Okay,

how often, um, do you have downtime these days? - Oh gosh, it depends on how much I'm workin'.

- [Interviewer] How should I spend my time right after this interview in London?

- Go get some food. - [Interviewer] What's your favorite podcast right now?

- Mmm... " Still Processing." - [Interviewer] Okay. And you're packing!
