如何做出更好的决定 A guide to making better decisions - BBC REEL


All people have this problem of asking themselves, is this a good decision? My name is Michael Krogerous.

And my name is Roman Tschäppeler, or something very unpronounceable. I was working as a reporter with a magazine but then I decided, or I felt like, maybe I should quit my job and spend more time with my kids.

And that of course is a really really big and hard choice. So, I asked my friend Roman, what should I do?

You cannot really compare the options and you know the consequences are really, really big, and these are the decisions that we typically find very hard to make. This insecurity about decision-making, be aware of the fact that you cannot plan the future.

So, it's the nature of decision making is to deal with uncertainty. And there are different strategies to do that.

A little method that goes way back to the Medieval ages to Ignatius from Loyola, who was a monk somewhere in… - Italy. In Italy, really? Was he? Okay.

He said if you want to decide, take one option, write it down, and live with it for three days, as if you would have decided. Write down how to feel.

Write down your dreams. And after three days, take the other choice.

And at the end of these six days then, choose. You have to ask yourself, what are my basic needs?

What do I really expect from, say, this car that I want to buy? And then you write down your list the top criteria for yourself for buying this car.
