


The International Day for Biological Diversity, sometimes called World Biodiversity Day, is a United Nations holiday based on biodiversity issues.

It started in 1993 and is held on May 22. This is the date of the Rio Earth Summit of 1992.

This was a major meeting to discuss life on our planet. A total of 172 governments attended the Summit, with a total of 108 heads of state.

The main topics were the environment and sustainable development.

Governments discussed ways to halt the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources and to protect ecosystems.

The day now focuses on the threats climate change has on biodiversity.

Experts say that tackling both together will mean we have a better chance of keeping the Earth's natural riches.

Biodiversity is the total variety of all forms of life on our Earth.

It includes life at the genetic and cell level, through to all plant, fish, insect and animal species.

Biodiversity also includes the thousands, perhaps millions, of ecosystems that make up our natural world.
