披萨方程式 The Pizza Equation


Hungry for some pizza?

We all like a good pizza pie to chow down on, but it turns out there's a simple scientific solution to maximize your pizza experience.

It all comes down to the area of a circle, that equation you may have heard of when you were young, where the area is equal to πr². "r" being the radius.

If we plug in some numbers, you may notice something interesting.

For example, since we measure pizza in inches in North America, the area of an 8-inch pizza is roughly 50 square inches.

We simply take the radius of the pizza which is half of the diameter, so 4 inches, in this case, put it in the equation and voila.

But if we do the same thing for a 16-inch pizza, which has a diameter that is two times bigger, we find that, even though your intuition may say it's twice as big, it actually has an area of over 200 square inches.

Which is four times more pizza.

This is because the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius.

And yet most of the time, the difference in price between an 8-inch pizza and a 16-inch pizza is not even two times more expensive, let alone four times more expensive.
