日光节约时制 Daylight Saving Time 101 | National Geographic



Daylight Saving Time adds extra hours of daylight during the summer season while making the day is shorter during the winter months.

But who came up with the concept of daylight saving time and how does it work?

The concept of shifting our clocks to adjust the length of the day can be traced back to over 100 years ago.

In 1895 New Zealand entomologist George Hudson made the earliest known proposal for a time shift submitted to the Wellington philosophical society.

The idea was well-received but it didn't catch on.

In 1905 British builder William Willett developed a similar idea independently of Hudson.

He lobbied the British Parliament year after year to no avail until his death in 1915.

The issue was revisited time and again throughout the world.

But it wasn't officially put into practice nationwide until the early 20th century in Germany.

The Germans in the throes of World War One were looking for ways to conserve energy.
