如何找回学习动力?How to Make Yourself Study When You Have ZERO Motivation


Let's be honest with each other here. You're not actually supposed to be on YouTube right now. Right?

No, you probably have some huge assignment that's staring at you from your desk right now. But the thought of doing any work on that assignment right now is the last thing on your mind because you have literally no motivation to do it.

And if you're feeling that way, well, you're not alone. I feel that way all the time.

And despite all the years I have put into productivity research and all the videos you see on this channel, at least once a week, I run into a situation where I have to do something and I have basically no motivation to do it. So, this is a pretty common problem.

And despite those immortal words from Shia LaBeouf constantly ringing in our heads. . . Just do it!

A lot of us continually deal with it. Now, within the realm of productivity, there are both long term fixes and short term fixes.

And for a problem like this, a problem of motivation, long term fixes would be things like building better self discipline or building strong habits or creating a better study space. But today, I wanna focus on the short term fixes.

If you have something that you need to get done today, but you're feeling completely unmotivated, what can you do? Well, today I'm gonna go through a four step process that I go through every single time that I'm feeling this way.

And through personal experience over several years, I have learned that doing these things really does help, even if my brain tells me that, this time I really am having an off day. This time it's not going to work.

When I actually take the time and put in the effort to put these things into practice, they really do help. And the first one on the list is to simply go outside and go for a walk.
