
When it comes to muscle, we generally understand the vital role protein consumption plays.

After all, the driving force for muscle growth is aptly named muscle PROTEIN synthesis.

We typically stress the importance of protein in times of bulking, where one intentionally puts on weight in hopes that, much of the added weight results in muscle.

What we dont talk about as much is if were to try to lose weight, especially fat, then what do we do about our protein?

Common wisdom again is to eat more protein, this time for the sake of preserving muscle instead of building.

In fact, some research suggests you should be eating MORE protein during weight loss than you would during a bulk.

But, to further promote its importance, what if we were to find out that more protein also helps you burn more fat?

A 2016 study helped shed additional light on this matter.

In this 4-week study, 40 overweight and recreationally active (some form of physical activity 1-2x week) young men were split into two groups.

Both groups had the same weight loss diet and given the same weekly 6-day exercise protocol consisting of resistance, aerobic, and anaerobic training.
