30 天坚持使用翻盖手机会发生什么?I used a flip phone for 30 days


So we often take for granted just how truly remarkable something as small as this can be.

That's what she said.

I gotta start that over.

Like I'm sure many of you, I've come to rely on my smartphone for so much.

It's my GPS, my music player, messaging device, camera.

And I hear that it can even make phone calls.

But this all comes at a cost because for all of the amazing pros that my smartphone gives me, there's one massive con.

It's making me miserable.

It's the first thing I grab in the morning and the last thing that I look at before I go to bed.

It fills so many moments of my day, from when I brew my coffee to when I'm in the bathroom to when I'm bored during a meeting.
