为什么减肥那么难 The Real Reason It's So Hard to Lose Weight


Losing weight is hard.

Like, really, really, really hard.

The overwhelming majority of people who try to do it don't succeed or end up gaining back what they lose, sometimes more.

And that's not just because pizza is amazing.

It turns out your body actually pushes back when you attempt to slim down.

The fat stored in your adipose tissue is a super energy-rich substance that your body can use in a pinch to fuel your cells.

If you can't eat for whatever reason, or need a little extra energy to grow or reproduce, your body can turn to your fatwhich is why, from a survival perspective, having some fat is actually a good thing!

Still, you'd think that losing weight would be pretty straightforward: just eat less than you need, force your body use up some of its fat, then go back to eating a normal amount when you're the size you want to be.

But the body doesn't want to lose its energy bufferno matter how large or small it isso when you cut calories, it reacts in ways that ultimately make it harder to lose weight.

A lot of the push back is driven by changes to hormones.
