

1 诺丁山

[00:00:00] NOTTING HILL 诺丁山 William:Of course, I've seen her films and always thought she was, 当然, 我看过她的电影, 觉得她棒极了. [00:00:30] well, fabulous. . . but, you know, a million, million miles from the world I live in.

[00:00:33] 但是你知道, 她离我住的地方有十万八千里远. [00:00:35] Which is here--Notting Hill, my favorite bit of London.

[00:00:38] 我住的地方就是这里--诺丁山, 是我在伦敦最喜欢的一小块地方. [00:00:40] There's the market on weekdays, selling every fruit and vegetable known to man. . .

[00:00:42] 在这里, 即使是工作日也都有集市出售我们常吃的水果和蔬菜. [00:00:45] William: The tattoo parlor--with a guy outside who got drunk 有一家纹身室, and now can't remember why he chose" I Love Ken" . . .

[00:00:53] 门口有个忘了为何当初纹上" 我爱肯" 的醉汉. [00:00:54] William: The radical hairdressers where everyone comes out looking like 这里有一家前卫的理发店, 从里面走出来的人看上去酷似 the Cookie Monster, whether they want to or not. . .

[00:01:00] 《芝麻大街》里的怪物, 不管他们本来是否愿意变成这样. [00:01:02] William: And then suddenly it's the weekend, 一晃到周末了, and from break of day, hundreds of stalls appear out of nowhere, 从天亮开始, 数百个摊位不知从哪里冒了出来, filling Portobello Road right up to Notting Hill Gate. . .

[00:01:10] 从波特贝罗大街一直排到了诺丁山大门. [00:01:11] . . . And wherever you look thousands of people are buying millions of antiques, 无论从哪里看过去, 都会看到有人在买古董, some genuine . . . and some not quite so genuine.

[00:01:18] 有的是真的, 有的却不太纯正. [00:01:20] And what's great is that lots of friends have ended up in this part of London 更令人欣慰的是有许多朋友都住在伦敦的这一区, – that's Tony, for example architect turned chef, 比如托尼, 他原来是个建筑师, who recently invested all the money he ever earned in a new restaurant. . .

[00:01:31] 后来摇身一变成了厨师, 用所有的积蓄投资了一个新餐馆。 [00:01:33] William: And so this is where I spend my days and years 这就是我度过了一天天、一年年的地方, - in this small village [14] in the middle of the city 在这个城市的聚居区的这所有着一扇蓝色的门的房子里, - in a house with a blue door that my wife and I bought together before. . .

[00:01:41] 那是我和我的前妻一起买下的, she left me for a man who looked exactly like Harrison Ford [15]. [00:01:45] 她后来和一个跟哈里森·福特那样魅力四射的男人私奔了.
