


非但不能不做,恐怕还离不开吧? Adam也对中国的网络建设和发展深有感触,他发现,网络也在渗透他的生活。是的,在中国,老外因为网络有了一种特殊的幸福感。

Fascinating 迷人的,极有吸引力的

Intriguing 迷人的,有趣的

Plus the convenience of cashless payment,...

抽象概念+of+名词的用法,是一种很自然地道的用法,另外比如: enjoy the comfort of watching films at home

Cashless payment: 无纸币支付

Q&A Round 1

What do you think of the online payment now in China? 你对中国的网络支付是怎么看的?

All I need is to take out my phone and people will just scan the QR code and the money is out of my account already.

Scan the QR code 扫描

You have no idea what a relief it is!

Relief: comfort 舒适感;reduction of pain 痛苦的减轻

It’s a very common practice that people will forget their wallet.

人们经常会,你是不是又要说people often ...,换种高级的说法吧,像这样,it’s a very common practice that ...

Plus the fact, there are so many services...

Plus the fact: what’s more, in addition 另外,而且

There was this musician playing on the street.

This 并没有特指,相当于a,口语中常见。

Another thing that really intrigues me is the fact that through one app we can do so many things.


Pay for my gas/my electricity/my water [bill] 支付天然气账单/电费/水费

I love how convenient it is that through on app my whole life is covered.



I hate how inconvenient it is that I have to register each time I want to see a guest from outside the building. 每次见来自这座楼外面的人都要登记,这件事真烦!


Pay via/by/through/using Alipay/wechat 通过支付宝/微信付款


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