能帮助你减肥的简易大脑训练 The simple brain training that can help you lose weight - BBC REEL


Doughnuts, chocolate, skinny creasy or chunky chips, delicious, right?

Well, before you pause to go get the snack, sorry to put a downer on your appetite, but food really can be dangerous.

It's no secret that global obesity levels are on the rise.

It's tripled since 1975, and about 650 million adults in the world are currently considered obese.

In fact, more of us now live in countries where obesity is a greater risk to our health than being underweight.

There are several reasons for this: we eat more high-fat, energy-dense foods, and many of us lead to an active lifestyle for our jobs, commutes, and, well, let's be honest also through laziness.

But an overlooked reason that's becoming clearer is that overeating can also be due to a brain lesion.

Neuroscientists have found that when our brain is under stress, it sets off chemical changes that significantly increase the likelihood a personal overeat, and therefore, gain weight.

This is in part because when we're stressed, the areas of our brain that are active increase hunger and create chemical changes that slow down our metabolism.

This is a double whammy when it comes to weight gain.
