1. Crack


This is the Rachel's English 30-day challenge: Learn 30 phrasal verbs in 30 days: jumpstart your vocabulary in 2017.

Today is day 1, the first day of your 30-day challenge.

We'll be studying 'crack' phrasal verbs.

Since this is day 1 of your challenge, let's start with a brief definition.

What is a phrasal verb?

A phrasal verb is a two-word, sometimes 3-word combination of a verb plus another word, usually an adverb, like break up, or a preposition, like sleep on: Let me sleep on it.

These phrasal verbs have so many different meanings, and idiomatic meanings, figurative meanings.

They're important to know because they pop up in conversation all the time.

Crack. I like this one because we have down and up. Down, up, these seem like opposites.

But 'crack down' and 'crack up' are not opposites, they simply have two totally separate meanings.
